From the point that Theresa May resigned, through the Tory Party Leadership race, the appointment of Boris Johnson as Prime Minister and finally the general election I have found it increasingly difficult to see any humour in Brexit, even for parody. Certainly there has been no inspiration for anything I could incorporate positively into my retirement life style, no celebration of anything great about Britain, just more and more examples of the slow decline in standards, integrity and honesty and its corrosive effect on the democratic process.
Over recent months the reasons I've heard for "doing Brexit" have become circular to the point where if we'd never had the referendum few would have any reason for doing it now. The reassurances that all will be OK have reached absurd levels of delusion. As I said in a related article Brexit is like a champion athlete abandoning their training because they are the best and as someone suggested in reply, it's even more like the athlete shooting themselves in both knees and still believing they will be able to sprint.
The problems for the UK are now significantly bigger than Brexit. The slide towards authoritarianism (see Tory Party Manifesto) is in full swing and the governing party has been endorsed by an extreme right wing thug. All warnings go unheaded because people who vote for it are confident it can't happen here despite voting to destroy the very things that have stopped it happening here.
So that's it folks. I'm closing this section down. Rooted to the Spot will end as I investigate whether the time has come for me to move elsewhere, the biggest wrench will be from my garden. Maybe I'll start another blog someday on Uprooting from the Spot. And why not? As the nation begins to uproot itself, to tear itself out of the system that most people currently take for granted, that it has invested in as a means of delivering us growth and prosperity (rather than improve the means of fairly distributing that prosperity) it may be a more apt title for a sequel.