A few photos of the pond a year after completion, the plants now established. All we need now are fish.
Oxygenating plants were planted up and lowered to the bottom of the pond and a variety of water loving plants were planted up and placed around the outer ledge of the pond.
At last we are nearing completion. For six weeks we have had a pond with no water! The liner and the underlay were draped into the pond and losely held in place with small stones. We then began to fill the pond gradually with water from the garden well. The lining was lose enough to allow it to move down with the weight of the water without stretching. As the pond gradually filled we folded the excess liner into large tucks to make it neat.
The large rocks were moved approximately into place by the digger but still needed to be moved manually into their final position. The large rocks in this picture were manoevered into position by three people using crow bars and levers. More of the large rocks to the left were also moved to build the water course channel.
Before we lined the main pond we worked on the watercourse. We used a thick butyl liner with an underlay to minimise the risk of puncture from unlderlying stones. We dug out the watercourse in a series of stages, each pool being 10 to 15cm deep with the front edge deeper than the rear.
We built a low brick wall around the edge of the pond to provide a firm edge and a base for the stone features. The water proof lining will come up over the wall and under the stones. To make it easier we used a cement mixer!
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