I was in Syria for only one week in 1993. A long time ago. Every time I transcribe another section of the diary I kept for that week in 1993 I am saddened. I wonder what happened to the people I met. The children I saw then may be scattered refugees now, or grieving the loss of their own children or struggling to keep them safe and warm. Something I can say and know but which I struggle to understand. But I do know they deserve our help whether they arrive here as refugees or are struggling on at home. Read more.
Our dogs have an in built clock. At the same time each day they herd us together and demand their walk. Here are some of the routes they enjoy.
There are over 5000 people identified in our genealogy database. Tracing them and their dates was the easy bit, finding out about their lives and telling their stories is more difficult. For a few we have managed to identify some key aspect of their lives and begun to piece together their stories.
Read their stories
and explore the interactive database Roots
From census records, wills, newspaper advertisements, morgage deeds and leases we are gradually piecing together the history of our house and those who lived here before us. Read more here.
Fortunate enough to have the time, space and funds to start our own vegetable garden we decided to give it a try. Was it possible to be self sufficient in fruit and veg? Read more to find out.
A website just because we can, mainly for our own fun and to provide our family and friends with a glimpse of what we are doing but we hope it provides something of interest to others - the descendants of those who have previously lived in our very old house, those connected with our family tree or anyone planning a visit to the little part of the world in North Staffordshire.