It was my habit, in my younger days, to keep a travel diary. I have transcribed some of them here. As far as possible the transcriptions are accurate reflections of the originals, amended mainly to protect the privacy of others. They are of their time and the earlier accounts reflect my lack of worldly experience, my cultural attitudes and naïve approach.
On the later journeys a digital camera replaced my diary. Time stamped photographs have replaced my notes and, I suspect, substituted for actual memories. To me these are less interesting: more been there, done that and got the photo travelogues and not true travel experiences. Holidays not adventures; entertainment not education; relaxation not challenge.
I have added hyper links as a way of providing more detailed and up to date information about some of the places I visited.
I haven't finished transcribing the full accounts of these journeys yet, and there are some I haven't even started. Maybe I will get round to it one day, but mainly for my own entertainment. Does anyone still read websites like this in these days of TikTok?